WORKSHEETS - zum Lernen W
TEXTS - zum Lesen T
SONG TEXTS - zum Erarbeiten S
FILM TEXTS - zum Verstehen F
VOCABULARY - zum Pauken V
TIME OUT ZONE - zum Verschnaufen Z
EXAMS - zum Testen E
MISC - zum Wühlen M


T120Sense and nonsense - little poems
T121More Sense and Nonsense
T170Ms Gossip and Ms Chatterley
T215The Little Girl and the Wolf
T218The Fox and the Crow - a fable
T220The Tower of London
T223dJohn B. Dunlop's air-filled tyres
T225Guy Fawkes'Day
T226fThe diary of Anne Frank
T227Christmas in Britain
T230tTeenage Rebels
T231cAbout Canada
T232aAbout South Africa
T233Horrible Feeding Habits
T234About the Bedouins
T235About Lawrence of Arabia
T236About Agatha Christie
T237About New Zealand
T238About Australia
T239About Sports
T240About Ceasar
T241About Ghandi
T242About Columbus
T243About Edison
T244About Franklin
T245About Bob Marley
T246About Billy the Kid
T247About Che Guevara
T248About Marilyn Monroe
T248tMark Twain
T249The Man with Seven Knives
T251dSalvador Dali's watches
T252Do you like modern art?
T252wAbout Andy Warhol
T253Three little stories
T254Four little stories
T255Five little stories
T255aLittle stories
T255bMore little stories
T256Very short stories
T257The Fortune-Teller
T258hDo You Enjoy Horror Stories?
T260Think of the treasure!
T262In Death Valley
T264A Nuclear Power Disaster
T265Blackout in New York
T266dDawson City and the gold fever
T267My Matterhorn Diary
T270Who owns the Eiffel Tower?
T271The first iron bridge
T275bThe Bedouin
T275sThe Trans-Siberian Railway
T277Scenes - to act
T278Scenes - to act
T280Apple and Microsoft Engineers
T309Carl the Robber
T310A Robbery
T311A Smuggler
T312The Telephone Call
T312hBritish Humour
T314The Picture
T316Not a good car: the Edsel
T318aThe Amish
T318mThe Mormons
T331Who are the English?
T335Why do the British drive on the left?
T338Rasputin - the Mad Monk
T340oGeorge Orwell
T340sGeorge Bernard Shaw
T341hErnest Hemingway
T342kPaul Klee
T345Marie Curie
T345The Lewis and Clark Expedition
T346John Brown
T346wWindwagon Thomas
T347Leon Trotsky
T347About Karl Marx
T347mBenito Mussolini
T348Al Capone
T349Pancho Villa
T350Winston Churchill
T351Emmeline Pankhurst
T352Henry Ford
T352mMarconi - The Invention of Radio
T353Eva Peron
T353dDiana, the Queen of Hearts
T355lLas Vegas
T356iAbout Italy
T358The Wright Brothers
T360Lindbergh's Flight
T363The Veteran Car Run
T366What is behind a word: Tank
T368aThe Kennedy Assassination (1)
T368bThe Kennedy Assassination (2)
T370A Folktale
T372cMurder in the Cathedral
T373wThe first Prince of Wales
T375cLucky at Cards - A true Scary Story
T375eThe Evil in Room 310 - A true Scary Story
T375lLavender - a true Scary Story
T375tThe Thing in the Cellar - A true Scary Story
T375vValentino's Ring - a true Scary Story
T379Feelings among friends
T386Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
T390Go To Bed
T401vThe Blind Violinist
T410The Getaway - by John Savage
T450Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
T455Greta Thunberg's Speech: How Dare You!
T460Winston Churchill's speech: Blood, Toil, Tears...
T462J.F. Kennedy: Ich bin ein Berliner
T465Barack Obama's Speech: Yes, we can...
T480The Elf-King - by Johann Wolfgang Goethe
T485pThe Raven - Edgar Allan Poe

Die 500 Arbeitsblätter mit über
450 Lösungsvorschlägen
auf dem MSVE-Lösungsstick


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